NOMAD SWT#26 will be held at NASA Goddard, near Washington DC, on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December 2024. Note that this is the week before AGU, which will also be held in Washington this year.



NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20771, United States


Approximate schedule

Thursday 5th December: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Friday 6th December: 10:00am - 5:00pm



Click here for the agenda. The Teams link will be sent separately.



The closest hotel is the Holiday Inn Washington D.C.-Greenbelt MD (

More options have been sent via email.

The next NOMAD SWT#25 will be held at the Life Science Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, from Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th March 2024.

If you wish to attend or wish to make a presentation, please sign up here: 




Life Science Centre
Times Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom


Approximate schedule

Tuesday 12th March: 10am - 5pm

Wednesday 13th March: 10am - 5pm

Thursday 14th March: 10am - 1pm


Social activity

Tuesday 12th March: 6.30-7.30pm – Welcome reception (location TBA)

Wednesday 13th March: 7pm-10pm – Conference dinner (location TBA)






The venue is in Newcastle city centre, so no hotel list is provided - we'll leave it to each person to find and book their own accomodation. There should be plenty of options near the venue for all budgets.


For more information about transportation options, the University of Newcastle has detailed guidance:  Note that our venue is near the central train station rather than at the University.


Newcastle upon Tyne bridges and skyline panorama


SWT19 will be held online due to the ongoing Covid pandemic.

The meeting will be held on 3 consecutive afternoons, from Wednesday to Friday, 13:45 to 16:30 European time. Please note the slightly earlier start time!

Access to previous science telecon notes and presentations is restricted. Please log in and then click here


SWT18 will be held online due to the ongoing Covid pandemic.


The format will follow the previous online SWT, consisting of three afternoon sessions:

  • Mon 7th December, 14:00-16:30: Science presentations / papers in preparation
  • Tues 8th December, 14:00-16:30: Science presentations / papers in preparation
  • Weds 9th December, 14:00-16:30: Remaining papers in preparation, plus technical/operations presentations

 The talks on Monday and Wednesday should be 15 minutes long plus 5 minutes for questions each. The paper preparation talks should be limited to a few slides each.

The NOMAD SWT#24 meeting will be hosted in the School of Engineering of the University of Basilicata from 5-7th September 2023.



School of Engineering,

University of Basilicata,

Via dell'Ateneo Lucano 10

85100 Potenza PZ




Click here



Coronavirus update: JpGU has now been cancelled and will move to an online format. This means that the SWT17 originally planned for ISAS/JAXA, Tokyo, Japan (20-22 May 2020) is now cancelled. 


Instead we will hold a virtual meeting on the afternoons of 16-17th June as follows:

  • Day 1, 14-16:30: SO new results
  • Day 2, 14-16:30: UVIS and LNO new results (+ remaining SO talks)


Title: "International conference on new insights into Mars achieved by remote-sensing observation, numerical simulation, and laboratory experiment of trace gases (in cooperation with ExoMars-TGO/NOMAD SWT, CO world, TohokuU GP-EES) "

  • The NOMAD SWT#23 will take place at Hotel Matsushima TAIKANSO ( in conjunction with our Japanese colleagues from CO World and TohokuU GP-EES.
  • The participants do NOT need to book the guest room by themselves as we have temporally booked for all in advance. You can choose your preference on the sign-up form.
  • The core meeting dates will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday AM. The hotel room booking (mentioned above) will include four nights (from Monday to Thursday nights) assuming that arrival on Monday and leaving on Friday. Please let us know on the form if you want to stay more/fewer days than this. Hotel reservations are now closed
  • The meeting will end around lunchtime on 17 March (Friday)
  • For those attending in-person, we recommend to arrive at Tokyo Haneda airport if possible (note: there are two international airports in Tokyo, Narita and Haneda), which provides better connection to train for the travel to Matsushima. To arrive Matsushima, first you will need to get Tokyo station and then take the high speed train from Tokyo to Sendai, and finally the local train from Sendai To Matsushima-Kaigan ( If you have a question about how to get there, do not hesitate to contact Shohei Aoki.


Date (time) Morning Session (9-13) Afternoon Session (15-19) Evening Session (21-22)
13 March (Monday) - Arrival, check-in Splinter Discussion
14 March (Tuesday) Trace gases I: Ozone, water Trace gases II: HCl, NOMAD Operation Splinter Discussion
15 March (Wednesday) Trace gases III: CO2, CO Trace gases IV: Isotopes Splinter Discussion
16 March (Thursday) Aerosols, Airglow/aurora Excursion Splinter Discussion
17 March (Friday) Surface, Phobos/Deimos, NOMAD Calibration - -

The joint NOMAD-ACS SWT meeting and MAVEN workshop will be hosted at Sorbonne University, Paris.


Sorbonne University Campus,

4 place Jussieu,

Paris, France

NOMAD workshop: Monday 17th Feb 14:00 - 18:00 and Tuesday 18th Feb 9:00 - 12:30

NOMAD+ACS joint SWT with MAVEN: Tuesday 18th Feb 14:00 - Friday 21st Feb 13:00


Presentations and programmes from previous meetings can be found here. You will need to log in to access this page.

The NOMAD SWT#15 meeting will be hosted at the Space Research Centre PAS and Wroclaw University, Poland, on 12-13 September 2019.



Labour inspectorate
5 Kopernika Street
Panoramic meeting room
Wroclaw, Poland

Thursday 12th Sep: NOMAD SWT 10:00 – 18:00

Friday 13th Sep: NOMAD SWT 10:00 – 18:00

Saturday 14th Sep: Social event


The NOMAD SWT#22 meeting will be hosted at BIRA-IASB, Uccle, Brussels (8-10 November 2022)



Nicolet 1 and 2 (ground floor)


Avenue Circulaire 3

1180 Uccle





Tuesday 10:00 – 16:00

Wednesday 10:00 – 16:00

Thursday 10:00 – 12:30 + lunch + free time in afternoon for results comparison, splinters etc.


Team dinner



The full agenda can be found here.

The next NOMAD SWT#14 meeting will be hosted by IAA (Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía) in Granada, at the premises of IAA, on 22-23 May 2019.



Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA/CSIC)
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, Apdo 3004,
18080 Granada, Spain

Wednesday : NOMAD SWT 9:00 – 18:00
Thursday : NOMAD SWT 9:00 – 18:00
Friday : social event


SWT20 will be held both online and also in Nicolet 1+2 at BIRA-IASB for those who would like to attend in person.


The meeting will be held on 3 consecutive afternoons, from Wednesday to Friday, 14:00 to 16:30 CEST.