Presentation/attendance list for the SWT



Enter your nameEnter your affiliationAttending in-person or virtually?Enter your presentation title (if you wish to make one)Approximate presentation length (minutes, not including questions)Timezone (if attending remotely)Enter your comments (e.g. if certain times or days are not possible for you)Dietary requirements (if any; if attending in-person)
Paul StreeterOUin-personBetter atmospheric chlorine representation through heterogeneous photochemistry in a Mars GCM15
Adrian BrinesIAA-CSICin-personUpdate on the NOMAD/SO water vapor climatology10
Lauriane SoretLPAP, Université de Liègein-personNOMAD/UVIS campaign dedicated to the O2 nightglow emission in the South polar region15 minNot on Thursday
Jean-Claude GérardLPAP-Université de Liègein-personModeling the UV, visible and IR nighgtlow emissions12-15 min.Better schedule contiguous to L. Soret's presentation - Will need to leave on Thursday morning No cheese
Mike SmithNASA GSFCin-personNone
Lori NearyIASB-BIRAin-personGEM-Mars mesospheric temperatures 10-15
Loïc TrompetBIRA-IASBin-personRetrievals of CO2 and T from NOMAD at BIRA: followings on intercomparisons10None
Yannick WillameBISAin-personAerosols from UVIS nadir10 min
Sara FaggiNASA GSFC / American UniversityvirtuallyNew York ( EST)
Ian Thomas (2nd presentation)BIRA-IASBin-personPredicting SO visibility from 3 Martian Years of data15
Miguel A. Lopez-ValverdeIAA/CSICin-personUpdate and progress with IAA retrievals of T/P and minor species15-20 minsOvo-lacto-vegetarian
Graham SellersOpen Universityin-person
Kevin OlsenUniversity of Oxfordin-person